Historical Society News

Historical Society News2017-11-07T09:49:11-05:00

History In Progress (H.I.P.)

August, 2013   History is fun! History is cool! History is H.I.P.! Ok, well, maybe that last one is a stretch. But for this summer’s group of nine local youth, a week spent at History in Progress (H.I.P.) camp, camp leaders did their best to make it so. As is the case every summer, myriad opportunity exists for Lake Placid kids. Vacations, camps, hiking, swimming, visiting family, lounging around…these are all noble summer pursuits. With all these leisure activities at their disposal, trying to have kids wrap their heads around anything they perceive as school related takes true talent. Talent [...]

Antiques Appraisal – July, 2013

We’ve all heard of Antiques Roadshow, that PBS production in which regular people bring in their vases, paintings, tea sets, and other odds and ends to find out some provenance (where something came from) and value. The hope, of course, is the old stamp collection handed down from Uncle James is worth hundreds or thousands of dollars! Here at the historical society, we value historical (read: old) things. It’s our business and our passion. We know some of you share that same interest: to know and understand our “things” and place a value on their existence. But just what is [...]

Historic Walking Tour

In our beautiful, little mountain town there are many ways to enjoy all it has to offer. One could hop on a mountain bike to explore remote trails or slide into Nordic or downhill ski boots, strap on skis and explore the mountain tops, lakes, and golf courses. Hop on the Mirror Lake dogsled and scoot over the frozen water to see town from the water side. Snowmobiles, hiking boots, snowshoes, toboggan chutes, canoes, kayaks, etc., etc…all these toys make learning about and accessing our region possible. But how about a piece of gear most everyone of any age has [...]

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